Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Helllooo blog

Yeah, no one is reading this that doesn't know everything about me anyway! Let's see what's going on in my head right now!  I'd like to go to the mall, but I don't have a sitter of course. I need some time with my friends but it seems everyone is busy lately. I guess I need a hobby to keep me busy but I don't know what. Any ideas? Here's a a pic, just cause it looks dumb without one.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lasagna Soup

This recipe was So easy and so good! The kids slurped it up.. Instead of posting the recipe I'm going to post a link to the recipe I referred to.. I didnt follow it to the T I like to adapt things to what I have on hand.. Mostly I had all of these ingredients except for the spinach and all of the herbs. I just used seasoning blends that I had here. Any dried Italian seasoning will work just fine. The soup wasnt thick like sauce.. it was the perfect consistancy for a nice hearty soup.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Corn Chowder

Ok so here I go.. My first recipe. I usually find my recipes on FOODGAWKER.COM and just sort of adapt them to whatever I have in my kitchen.. today I actually went to the store for the ingredients. This one is really simple and great for a weekend lunch or quick weeknight dinner with a salad or some yummy warm bread, but it's super filling without either of those. Sorry if my recipes postings are a bit random. I never measure anything so you'll have to deal with that. ;)

Corn Chowder

Cubed potatoes
Fresh, Frozen or Canned Corn
Diced seasonings (onion, garlic, whatever you want)
seasoning meat, I used Salt Pork
Chicken Broth
Heavy cream, or milk

Ok so easy..

I cooked down my pork and seasonings all together and added the cubed potatoes once the onion was soft.. let potatoes cook till soft then add enough chicken broth to cover it all. Simmer. You can season however you like. I added a bay leaf too. Add a little hot sauce or Tony's to your liking. When the potatoes are soft smash them a little to thicken the soup. Add about 2 cups of milk or cream. Cook till just simmering then serve right away.. My kids liked it but they eat anything. You can use this as a base too, throw in some leftover chicken or shrimp or crabmeat even.. Notice I didnt add salt. You may want to but I found it salty enough with the salt pork.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Long time!

Wow.. I've forgotten yet again about this blog! I'm going to try this again, only this time with food! I'll try to post weekly some of my dinner ideas. Tonight I'm doing a recipe from The Pioneer Woman's site, it's a yummy cubed steak sandwich on buns. I'll post the pics and recipe tonight hopefully.